Is there a place for an Interim Manager in the world of snacks?

Our guest couldn’t imagine a different staffing decision, when he planned his expansion into digital world. Maciej Tomaszewski, CEO of a leader in the salty snacks segment, had shared his thoughts with us.
What challenge, within the operation of the company, led you to consider working with an Interim Manager as the best option?
“The need to complete the portfolio of competencies. We had plans for digital development, and while in a long-term context, our scenario was successively being implemented, we lacked a commercial take on the subject. Interim Manager in the structure is to break down barriers, doubts and move forward dynamically.”
Has the search process been easy?
“I had no doubts when it came to, how to search for the right person for us. The only wise solution was to turn to a specialized entity, that has a database of candidates.” - Maciej points out. “Especially since the very process of creating the profile of such a candidate can be difficult. Thanks to the partner who guided us, we were able to sort out the data and questions and match them with our expectations.”
In a few words: what competency values the Interim Manager brought to your structure?
“Definitely excellent market knowledge. If an Interim Manager has the whole spectrum of soft skills, but does not prove strong enough in terms of content, achieving the goal may not be so obvious. We focused on carefully profiling expectations, so we had the pleasure of working with a person who has a deep understanding of the digital market and is free of industry constraints.”
“If the management concentrates on the “we-know-better” scenario, this is when introducing the Interim Manager to the structure and letting him do his part, can be a huge challenge. Once we are opened and ready for the real change happening here and now – the success of working with an Interim Manager is just a moment away”, concludes Maciej.